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Writer's pictureNikkiHallman

Love More, Care Less

No matter our age, we learn more about life and ourselves every single day.

Granted I am only 23-years-old, but I've experienced so many different scenarios in my life I could write a #book.

One thing I've learned is we need to love more and care less.

I don't mean stop caring about the important things and people in your life, rather stop caring so much about other people, what they think, how they judge you etc. How many times have you heard that before? Probably a ton but it's still happening. For most of us that's the culture we grew up in and it's sad. Even to this day #bullying and #abuse is still happening based on what someone looks like, what they wear, how they act, their views and for what?

Bottom line is everyone is going to die one day and it's scary to think about. So when we start peeing our pants every time we laugh and start smelling like an old dusty chair, it won't matter how much makeup we had on in that picture you took while visiting Europe. When you hit that age, you will look at the photo to say "remember when..." instead of "agh, I should have done my makeup that day." You are 80-years-old and can say you went to #Europe isn't that why we take photos, to look back on them one day? It will be the best feeling in the world to know you travelled and it made you happy.

One of my aunts taught me so much about loving others. I've learned a lot just by observing who she is and she's the most wonderful, kind human being no matter who she comes across. If we go out to a restaurant or to a store and strike a conversation with someone who is visibly rude, she doesn't change a thing. Her nice and sweet tone of voice remains. We should all take notice of this because it's possible that this person realized they can't pay rent or their dog just passed away. And no that doesn't mean it's acceptable to be rude or take it out on other people but we have no idea what kind of things they are going through. We can't fight fire with fire. Why judge the situation by reciprocating attitude and create an entirely negative encounter? You'll probably talk about it for 10 minutes after the fact when you could be laughing in your own conversation. #Kindness can be the perfect medicine in some cases.

I'm sure there are a ton of clichés that I've mentioned but think about them for just a minute. They are all true. I don't want to sit and complain all the time about the negative things that happen every single day. That doesn't make me smile. Sure life isn't perfect but it can be better when you focus on the positives.

People, places, and things that make you smile, laugh & love.

By the way, I'm still working on this mindset. It can be difficult to be in a good mood when things get bad. Surprisingly, talking to myself helps. It sounds funny but telling myself, "it'll be fine" and "it's not the end of the world," does something for me. When I'm at the gym, I glanced at people that are in serious shape and used to think "agh they are so lucky" or "why can't I look like that," but now I think, "wow good for you, seriously." That literally puts me in a better mood. Let people live their life and be happy for them. Why drag yourself and other's down?

The world is in a weird place and again not everyone or everything is perfect. But damn, can we just try to make the best of it? Surround yourself with what, where and who makes you happy. If I die next week, I can say that I have lived a happy life. Of course I DO NOT want that to happen but at least I can say it. Care less about the bullshit and love more.

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