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Writer's pictureNikkiHallman

How to be Single When You’re Young

Some of us spend our days with a significant other and some of us spend our days by ourselves, with no significant other and that’s okay!

As young adults, being single is not something we should feel bad about.

For those of you in a happy relationship, keep being happy. And for those of you that are recently single, enjoy being single! Move on from your last relationship, become more independent, travel the world, and teach yourself something new. This is your time to shine and figure out what makes you happy in life.

It’s time to move on

First, you need to move on from your last relationship and what I mean by move on is to simply not think about it. It does take time, if you were in love and really cared about them it could take a lot of time, so find new things to do for example join a yoga class, you can meet people and start to feel better about yourself while doing something new that you enjoy. Join a rock climbing club, maybe this workout is more fun for you and it will keep your mind busy instead of thinking about your ex. You could also find a new hobby like knitting because you’d rather do that than work out, I don’t blame you! Knit scarfs for friends or family, that will keep you busy and will give you something else to focus on. Whatever you do, do not watch romantic movies like The Notebook or Me Before You while eating a tub of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream. If you are at all like myself, I’m a huge crier and it never ends well. Take the time to cry right after the breakup and once you realize it’s not going to work, be done with the tears because your ex doesn’t deserve them. Put your adult pants on and watch a comedy for example, #Deadpool or #Bad Grandpa. Make yourself laugh because that is what will make you happy instead of sappy. Watch those movies or TV series that you never got the chance to because your ex didn’t want to watch them like #Friends. I was always stuck watching WWE when I wanted to watch Friends, well now I can binge watch the whole damn show! If you were in love before, I understand it can be hard to move on but if you stop focusing on the past you can think about the present and enjoy yourself more. It’s about keeping yourself happy, so move on from the last relationship and start making plans for yourself; learn to be more independent.

Learn to be independent

The second step is to become more independent. This is the time you have to yourself, there’s no one to depend on besides family but now the world is yours and you need to rock it. For Example, go shopping by yourself. Figure out the stores you love going to and spend all day in them. I only have one friend that shops the same way I do otherwise I would rather go shopping by myself because then I can go wherever I’d like and spend as much time at the mall as I want. Maybe you don’t want to go grocery shopping on Monday’s anymore because you are always tired and you want to wait until Thursday, well do it! This is your life; you are in control and you make the decisions. C. De Lima is a blogger on the  who has a Masters in Art. In her blog The Art of being Happily Single she states “Single is not a status. It is a word that describes a person who is strong enough to live and enjoy life without depending on others.” Learn to become an independent person because it will only make you stronger. You can find happiness in the word single if you don’t use it as a label. You will learn so much more about yourself and what you want in life and in that alone you can find happiness. If you can learn to be more independent you won’t worry so much about other people and what they think. Be happy and start making plans for your future, for instance, plan trips!


Thirdly, to enjoy being single even more, travel the world. Whether it’s with friends or just by yourself. Make a bucket list of just places you want to travel to. I have never been to the beaches of #Mexico or #Hawaii; those are at the top of my list. Maybe one of your friends has never been on a plane, well now you should make plans to take a flight somewhere fun like Vegas or California where you can enjoy yourselves. Save up those quarters in a change jar and just keep traveling. If you really want to enjoy your travels, you could take road trips. Those are always fun because you can stop and sight see along the way. I drove cross country from California to Minnesota and stopped at the Grand Canyon on the way back, why not? Also, it’s more than okay to travel alone. Be safe but have fun! On Elite Daily, Stephanie Be talks about 10 Reasons You Should Travel While You’re Single. Under reason 7; Build confidence, she states, “By figuring things out on your own, befriending fellow lovers of all things spontaneous and unleashing your adventurous side, you’ll return home with more confidence. You’ll have stories and photos to share that prove you are boldly living life, and that’s always attractive!” What better way to make memories than going and doing exactly what you want to do when you want to? Being able to have stories to tell people is always fun and a great conversation starter. Sometimes your friends don’t have the time or money when you do so why not go anyways! You’ll make new memories that you will never regret and maybe be drawn to new activities like surfing or you could find secret waterfalls that you would have never imagined liking. Once you find more places to explore, find some handy things that could help you along the way and teach yourself something new!

Learn something new

Finally, teach yourself something new or something that you could never do on your own before. For instance, learn how to change a tire. If you’ve never done it before, learn it! It’s nice knowing that if you ever get a flat tire you can change it on your own and then you will feel good, accomplished, and maybe one day show your future significant other how badass you are. Teaching yourself new things that you never knew how to do can benefit you so much especially if you live on your own because it makes life easier when you only have to depend on yourself. If you can’t figure out the new HD TV you just bought, read the instructions, #YouTube how to do it, or phone a friend, then the next time you set up a TV you won’t need anyone’s help. Now congratulate yourself on learning something new by taking a night out with your friends. Learning new tasks will always be a benefit to you and possibly others.

Moving on from your ex is just the beginning of being single. Enjoy being independent and finding new hobbies because this will start to describe you as a person. Traveling the world is a dream of mine and what better time to do it than when your single, you have no one holding you back. Even if you have close friends, bring them along with you. Teaching yourself something new is a great thing you can be proud to show off to people and that might just catch the attention of someone who could possibly become very important in your future. Being single is the perfect time to figure out what truly makes you happy without anyone else’s help, just me myself and I.

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